Technology Team – Don Ross
The technology primary support will include analyzing Ofice equipment problems, installing software as needed. Support for Microsoft365 at admin level, which covers adding users, assigning email accounts, training users of email accounts and MFA (multi factor authorization).
The website has 2 admun level positions, Don Ross and the office administrator (currently Dorraine). The website needs constant admin, updating News, Events and Calendars. Information needs to be informative, revelant and up to date.
The team will also manage streaming Zoom Church. Manage sound system in Church and Hall. Setup projecter in hall, display slide shows, power point presnetations and generally support and adjust sounnd as needed. The team can also broadcast any sanctuary service into hall.
Some Team assignments - Streaming (including Zoom) - John and Keith and Don
- Sound - Don & Keith
- Screen & Projector - John and Keith and Don - Equipment, MS365, Website - Don.